Bedesten, also known as St. Nicolas Church is a Byzantine church built in the Gothic order, dating back to the 14th century. It was expanded with some Gothic additions made by the Lusignans, and after new changes made during the Venetian period, it was given to the Greek Orthodox Metropolis. It has a hybrid texture with different architectural styles. During the Ottoman rule, it was used as a covered bazaar and grain warehouse, with some changes made. During this period (1573), the name of the building was changed to Bedesten. The Bedesten was recently restored by UNDP-PFF, with the financial contributions of the European Union, and reintroduced to the community to be used in cultural and artistic activit
The square, together with the historical buildings around it, has become a historical center shaped by the heritage of different cultures. A Latin inscription on the body of a column found during the construction of a mosque dates back to A.D. It is stated that it dates back to the 2nd century. This is one of the first signs about the square. In the 1200s, St. The start of the construction of the Sophia Cathedral can be seen as a turning point regarding the square. St. The construction of the Sophia Cathedral was started in 1209 by the Latin Archbishop Eustorge de Montaigu. Later St. Nicholas Church and the Archbishop building were added, the square and its surroundings became a religious center. During the Venetian period, the face of the square was not changed, a guest house (Venetian House) and a meeting building (Chapter House) were built for the priests. During the Ottoman period, in 1571, St. Sophia Cathedral was converted into a mosque and minarets were added to the structure. This mosque was named after the Ottoman sultan Selim II, who conquered Cyprus in 1
Arabahmet Mosque is a Classical Ottoman work located in the Arabahmet District of Nicosia. The mosque was built in the name of Arabahmet Pasha, who participated in the conquest of Cyprus, was the Governor of Cyprus and was among the first founders of the foundation. The mosque was built in the 16th century. The end of the century and the 17th century. It is recorded that it was built on the site of a medieval cathedral and/or on the site of a cathedral at the beginning of the century, and that it was repaired in 1845. When it was first built, its floor was paved with 25 tombstones from the Middle Ages, and these were covered with a wooden floor. During the repair of the mosque between 1992 and 1996, the tombstones at the base were removed and transferred to the Nicosia Stone Works Museum. It is the only mosque in Nicosia built according to the traditional plan scheme of Anatolian mosques. It is estimated that it was built with the idea that such a magnificent mosque would be built in a neighborhood where wealthy people, high-ranking public officials and even pashas resided during the Ottoman Period. The mosque, made of cut stone, has a narthex with a transverse rectangular plan. The narthex has three arched openings on the facade and one on each side. The mihrab is made of marble, resembles a muqarnas weave motif, and is surrounded by three moldings. The entire pulpit to the west of the mihrab is made of marble. The minaret is adjacent to the northwestern wall of the mosque and its door opens to the mosque harbour. It has a stone base, polygonal body, stalactite decoration, a single balcony and a metallic cone. There is a fountain and a small cemetery in the courtyard of the mosque. There are taps in the niches formed by the baroque arches in the octagonal planned water reservoir. This structure repeats the traditional composition of Classical Period Ottoman fountains and was built in 1902. The north and northwest courtyards of the mosque were used as a hazire (cemetery) where famous people were buried. Only six of the tombs in Hazire have preserved their original features. The single-type tombs in the northwest and northeast of the mosque were built here during the renovation works of the mosque between 1992 and 1996, and the headstones and tombstones, which are based on the courtyard wall of the mosque, were mounted at the head and foot ends. Among the important people buried in the cemetery are Kıbrıslı Mehmet Kamil Pasha, who served as grand vizier in the Ottoman Empire 4 times, and Antepli İshak Pasha, the Rumelian gover
The cathedral is noted as being the largest and the finest temple, and the most important Gothic structure in Cyprus. It is said to have been constructed over a Byzantine church called Hagia Sophia on the same site. The construction was started by the Latin Archbishop Eustorge de Montaigu in 1208. It was consecrated in 1326 and opened to religious service. As it was the most important church of Cyprus the coronation ceremonies of the Lusignan kings were held here. The cathedral was restored by the Genoese in 1373, and by the Mamluks in 1426; it was damaged in several earthquakes. The eastern section of the cathedral was destroyed in eathquakes in 1491 and as it was being restored by the Venetians, the grave of an old Lusignan king (Hugh II) was uncovered. The corpse was well preserved with a crown on its head, and items made of gold and documents on it. The cathedral was constructed by French architects and craftsmen and it is a beautiful eaxample of medieval French architecture.  The cathedral has a monumental entrance. The carved windows above the entrance are examples of unequalled Gothic art. The Ottomans have built minarets over the two unfinished belfries on either side of the entrance. The inside of the cathedral comprises three aisles, six side sections and little chapels. The chapel to the north was dedicated to St. Nicholas, the ones to the south to virgin Mary and St. Thomas Aquinas. The part of the mosque reserved for women used to be the treasury. Many Lusignan nobilities and kings are buried inside the cathedral.  The marble grave stones of these graves still constitute part of the floor tiles. The inscriptions and drawings on these have been well preserved since they are covered with rush mats, and people are not allowed in with their shoes
It is very centrally placed in nicosia. It was converted into a mosque from a Latin church. As it was in a bad state in the 1890's, it was restored by Ali Pasha in 1902. The mosque is seen to be under Arab influence; it has a noteworthy wooden ceiling. In 1962, when its foutain was being knocked down, a marble sarcophagus with inscriptions in Greek was uncovered. The style of writing and the huge cross on it indicate that it dates back to the Byzantine period. It is used as a wedding-hall at pres
This is a sixteenth century inn, the name meaning, great inn. It is situated in Asmaaltı Street and is classified by the Department of Antiquities as an ancient building. The view of the inn from the rear, and so much of its appearance is like a grim fortress, that in the old colonial days, the British used this khan as Nicosia Central Prison. Windows were always high up, and small because of marauders (rich merchants at the inn were inevitably a source of great temptation) and in the Middle Ages, glass was very expensive. In the interior courtyard is a picturesque octagonal tower used for prayers and is therefore a miniature mosque or masjid, with a picturesque fountain below. Around the court and downstairs are the stables, while the merchants had their bedrooms upstairs. The building has curious octagonal chimneys; perhaps guests were allowed to have small charcoal braziers in their rooms. In all, about 67 people were accommodated, but without hot water, TV or electric blankets. The main entrance to the Great Inn is in Asmaaltı Street, but you would hardly notice it, as it is so cluttered up with shops and stalls. This inn was built about 1570 A.D. by Muzaffer Pasha, so it is not a mediaeval building. If you really want to see mediaeval inns, you must go to Tripoli in Lebanon, while in the old Persian towns of Isfahan and Shiraz you can actually see the old customs lingering on. "Caravans" come into the khan yard at night, cook their meals in the open, wash, pray and "bed" down the donkeys for the night. That's the place for a TV documentary film. For some time the Great Khan was used as a builders' yard, but now all this paraphernalia has been removed and the khan awaits restoration. Since this article was written by the William Dreghorn, the Great Inn has been restored to its former glory. It now houses ats and crafts workshops, galleries, caffe and a lovely inner courtyard restaurant, frequented by artists, locals and tourists alike. It sometimes feel like a oasis in the hustle and bustle of the c
Samanbahçeevleri is of historical importance. With the rapid increase in population in the city in the 19th century, a mass housing project was carried out for those with inadequate financial means. In this respect, it is seen as the first example of social housing in Cyprus. Samanbahçe Houses, a hexagonal planned and dome covered square fountain located in the center of the neighborhood consisting of single type and adjacent houses, once met the water needs of the neighborhood. Samanbahçe, which consists of 72 houses and was restored by the Foundations Administration, UNDP-PFF, with the financial contributions of the European Union between 2003 and 2004, is one of the places that best reflects the culture of Cyp
Mevlevi Lodge, one of the most important buildings of Cyprus during the Ottoman period, is located just beyond the Kyrenia Gate in Nicosia. Generally, the current lodge was built in the 17th century on land given by a courtier named Emine Sultan. YY. It is claimed that the uninscribed tomb, which was built at their head and next to the north-eastern outer wall of the mausoleum buildings, belongs to Emine Sultan. In the first period of its construction, the lodge included sections such as a semahane, tomb, dervish rooms, kitchen and guest rooms. As of 1873, 36 people, including masnavi khan, sheikh and dervishes, were working in the lodge. The lodge, which lost its function after 1954, is currently used as a museum, where Mevlevi costumes, musical instruments and ethnographic materials are exhibi
It is a small inn with a trapezoidal plan, made of cut stone, located in the north of the current Asmaaltı Square, formerly known as "Wheat Market". It is the largest and oldest inn of Nicosia after the Great Inn. Although the exact date of construction is not known, it dates back to A.D. XV-XVI. It was determined that it was built on ruins from the same periods, using the old building ruins from the Middle Ages in the 19th century. As a matter of fact, the arched entrance door seen immediately after the entrance of the inn and the foundation ruins exhibited in the room in the northwest corner of the inn belong to the Venetian or Lusignan period. It was possible to determine the original name of the inn from archive documents and other publications that have survived 268 years before and after. In the document dated March 31, 1748 in the Sharia Registry number 16 in the Foundations archive, it is recorded that the name of the current Kumarcılar Inn is mentioned as "KUMARÎ" and that it belongs to the Kılıç Ali Pasha Foundation together with the bath next to it. Again, the name of the inn was mentioned as "KUMARCI INN" in two separate documents dated between 1811 and 1836 AD, which are found in the Cyprus Court Records numbered 32 and 36. Local and foreign writers who have visited Nicosia since 1873 have generally referred to the name of the inn as 'Kumarcılar Inn'. In 1881, Captain H.H. On the map of Nicosia drawn by Kitchener, its name appears as "KÜÇÜK HAN". It was also mentioned among the people as the "Pedd Instrumentalists' Inn" and "The Kemaneciler Inn". As a matter of fact, even in our recent past, it is remembered that musicians who went to circumcision and wedding ceremonies would sit in front of the 'Asmalı Kahve', which is attached to the Kumarcılar Inn in Asmaaltı Square, and wait for customers. While the "Kumari Inn", which belonged to the Kılıç Ali Pasha Foundation as of 1748, became the private property of Fuat Tüccarbaşı, brother of Derviş Pasha, over time, through the icareteyn (double rent) Foundation method, the Elmazlı Hamam opposite the inn belonged to the widow of Mir-i Miran Vizier Osman Pasha. It became the private property of Miralay Tahir Ağa, who was punished by being beheaded for stepping in the bathhouse. In the 1950s, this inn was registered in the land registry in the names of Mehmet İzzet Bey and Mehmet Asım Bey, two of the Merchants of Nicosia. Its first restoration was carried out between 1937 and 1957. In order for its further restoration to take place, it was registered as an antique work by the Department of Antiques and an annual rent of 70 Cyprus Liras was paid to its heirs between 1958 and 1963. After the death of the Tüccarbaşı, this inn was inherited by his daughters Hürmüs Hanım and Fezile Hanım. Later, although 25% of the shares of this inn remained in the ownership of Behzat Aziz Beyli and his family, the 75% shares of the other shareholders were sold to Tourism Operator Con Aziz Kent. With the contract signed by the Ministry of Tourism and Environment with the owners on July 12, 2011, the right to use the inn for 15 years was taken over from the owners. It is a typical example of the urban trade inns of the Ottoman period. The central courtyard of the inn can be reached through the medieval arch in the entrance hall of the inn. Although it had 52 original rooms, only 44 of them have survived to the present day. The rooms are located above and below the round columned arches surrounding the central courtyard. While the lower rooms were used for storage and stable purposes, the upper rooms were used for sleeping purposes. The upper rooms have barrel vaults and the wooden porticoes in front of the rooms are covered with tiles. Some rooms have a stove. The rooms have marble floors and rectangular and loophole windows opening to the outside. The floors of the rooms are laid with smoothly cut marble. &n
Arabahmet District, which has now lost most of its historical features, is located in the southwest of Nicosia within the city walls and between Sarayönü Square and Paphos Gate. The neighborhood was known as 'Paphos Street' during the Ottoman period, 'Viktoria Street' during the British Colonial period and now 'Martyr Salahi Şevket Street'. The neighborhood has a deep-rooted historical past dating back to the Lusignan period. A large part of the historical neighborhood, whose houses were ruined because it remained in the border area after 1963, is located on Zahra Street and Tanzimat Street in the west, along Victoria (Martyr Salahi Şevket) Street in the east, and in the narrow streets opening to these three main streets. This neighborhood, like the other neighborhoods of Nicosia, attracts attention with its labyrinth-like narrow streets, single or two-storey houses with or without bay windows, low arched entrance doors, bay windows and decorated wooden eaves. Support details on doors, windows and bay windows enrich the silhouette of the neighborh